Day Twelve, Sunday, August 8th:
Daily Panic... Leaving Charleston early departure to race the tide – 8:30 am.
Dock hand helps push back from mega yacht, Pipe Dream.
Second Daily Panic... No room at Leeland Oil Marina in McClellansville! Must now make it all the way to Georgetown – more than 50 nautical miles -through the shallows and low tide.
Calm waters. Lower and lower water depths. Nerve wracking. Frantically reading Waterway Guide for clues to shoal areas.
Continuous ‘shallow water’ signal beeps.
Yet Another Daily Panic... Biting flies swarm the helm. Three feet of water !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Continued shallows plus strong current crossing Santee River.
Very narrow waterway. Now we have pouring rain, and lightning. John lowers the antennas…just in time for a really close lighting strike!
How many daily panics will we endure... Lightning takes out GPS.
2.8ft of water !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most difficult day yet. Arrive and dock perfectly. Glad for this day’s long, five hour, ride to be over.
Dinner at restaurant called Root. After the day's dramas, not sure even what we had to eat. Feel so much better after showers.
New rule: make sure we have a confirmed dockage reservation before we leave our current marina.
After two difficult days, we need rest – staying in Georgetown two days at Harborwalk Marina.
Day Thirteen, Monday August 9th:
Quiet night, quiet morning. Start laundry. Make dockage reservation for Tuesday at Osprey Marina.
Enjoyed at delicious lunch at River Room restaurant.
Dinner on the deck, another beautiful sunset.