Day Eleven, Saturday, August 7th:
Finally leave Dataw. On our way to Charleston!
Up at 6:45 am. View end of sunrise. Quiet morning.
Nice, Australian dock hand helps cast off. Wave goodbye to Gene and his sailboat. Glad to be going again.
Brilliant morning sky; dramatic cloud formations; bright, cloudy. Not many boats… yet.
Yogurt and banana breakfast.
Alligator sighting !!! So, don’t jump in.
Marshland, more large, dramatic clouds.
Winding, becoming narrow; varying water depths. Dolphins.
Daily Panic... Crazy, narrow, rock lined channel leading into Charleston Harbor; oncoming boat traffic racing at us. Diligently watching depth so as not to run aground, while dodging oncoming boats..
Perfect docking. Wow, we’re getting good at this. Assigned spot between two charter mega yachts.
Walk to Pugin’s Porch for dinner. And our ritual dessert at Kaminsky’s.
Second Daily Panic... Must walk back to marina. No, as promised, curtesy van driver. No Uber here either.

Relentless looks so small and insignificant between these two mega yachts.